information civilian name: Juneau Vera Fuller
real name: Jane Foster
superhero name: Thor
date of birth & age: October 17, 1986 & 29
place of birth: Boston, Massachusetts
current place of residence: San Francisco, California
occupation: Neurology Resident at UCSF Medical Center
family: Thomas Fuller father, airline pilot
          Natalie Fuller nee Ryan mother, teacher; deceased
marital status & sexuality Single & Bisexual
tie-ins Similarities:
        ⚡️ initials - JF; Jane Foster / Juneau Fuller
        ⚡️ occupation - both are doctors
        ⚡️ family structure - father works long hours, often away
        too much but he does it to support his only child; mother
        passed away during Juneau/Jane's childhood.
powers, abilities & objects Powers
        Self-Sustenance; she can survive in the vacuum of space
      Energy Manipulation; Thor usually uses Mjolnir to channel her storm abilities, but she is capable of discharging lightning bolts without it.
        Medical skills;
        Mystical Link;
        Weather Control
        Energy Projection


storylines ~ - ex-girlfriend from college; Juneau is still close with her and meets up for dinner on a weekly basis.

~ - one of her current patients at the hospital; Juneau frequents his restaurant often because she's hopeless in the kitchen.
biography After years of fertility issues, Thomas and Natalie Fuller received the good news that they were expecting twins. Overjoyed with their good fortune, and the prospects of becoming new parents they quickly immersed themselves in all sorts of parenting classes. The pilot and school teacher proved to be fast learners, and were more than prepared for the diapers, midnight feedings and juggling their lives in the process. Towards the end of Natalie's second trimester she began having unusual cramps, which led to sudden bleeding. Fearing that she was losing her unborn children, she rushed to the hospital. It was determined that one of the twins had died, and was being absorbed by the surviving fetus.

Natalie was immediately hospitalized and put on bed rest so the surviving child would be able to develop. Born a few weeks early, Juneau Fuller welcomed the world at 5 lbs, 4 oz with a squalling loud scream. The doctors poked, and prodded both mother and child, but they were fine and after a week long stay were given permission to leave the hospital. Thomas had taken a few weeks off while Natalie was on maternity leave, he spent the whole time catering to his wife and newborn daughter's needs and wants. The first few weeks of Juneau's life was spent in her parent's arms at all times, they were just thankful to have her in their lives. Future doctor's visits confirmed that Natalie would never be able to have children again. At first the couple was heartbroken, but quickly accepted the fact and spent every moment with Juneau.

The life that the Fuller's could provide for their daughter was more than anything she could hope for; she had their full love and attention, and seldom did she ever hear the word 'no', but she wasn't a brat about it. As Juneau grew up, it was obvious that she was a talented little girl. Dance, piano and science were her three favorite things that she focused all of her attention on. At the age of 10, her life came crashing down with just one word: cancer. Natalie had developed a lump in her left breast, and the biopsy's results revealed that it was malignant. The doctors couldn't and wouldn't give Thomas a timeline of how long treatment would take or when his wife would be better. Rearranging his flight schedule wasn't easy, but he was only gone half of the time and could be there to take care of his wife.

Despite Thomas' efforts, Natalie passed away within 6 months of her diagnosis. The funeral passed in a blur, and so did the bereavement time that the airlines gave Thomas. It was difficult to asses their new lives and how things would work now that the glue of their family was gone. Thomas left his job and began flying a private jet, the job allowed him to be home even more but he was always on call. For the most part he attended all of Juneau's dance recitals and soccer games, before he had to fly off to an unknown destination.

Juneau graduated at the top of her class, and had been accepted to Boston University on a full ride to study biomedical. The goal was to become a doctor, and eight years later that's what Juneau did. Medical school was in North Carolina, mostly because she wanted a change of scenery from what she had known her entire life. When it came time to decide on where to do her residency, June was faced with a similar decision but everywhere she applied to accepted her. Deciding on San Francisco, Juneau has been there for the last three years at the UCSF Medical Center with the nuerology department.

facts ⚡️ coming soon!